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Outstanding Delegation, DISEC, TAEMUNI, as Brazil




Honorable Mention, …, HenricoMUN…, as …

Verbal Commendation, …, HenricoMUN…, as …




Outstanding Delegate, League of Arab States, McMUNCI, as …

Honorable Mention, .... , VAMUNXXXV, as …

Honorable Mention, … , VAMUNXXV, as …

Outstanding Small School Delegation Award, TAEMUNIII

Honorable Mention, JCC: Donald Trump, TAEMUNIII, as Andrew Georgevits

Honorable Mention, NATO, TAEMUNIII, as Canada

Honorable Mention, African Union, TAEMUNIII, as Kenya

Verbal Commendation, WHO, TAEMUNIII, as Sweden

Verbal Commendation, NATO, TAEMUNIII, as Albania

Honorable Mention, JCC: Divided States of America, GFMUNXI, as Canada

Honorable Mention, UNOOSA, GFMUNXI, as Finland

Verbal Commendation, African Union, GFMUNXI, as Togo

Best Large Delegation Award, MASUNXXVI

Outstanding Display of Diplomacy to Joey Moore, MASUNXXVI

Best Delegate, UNEP, MASUNXXVI, as Brazil

Outstanding Delegate, E.V.I.L., MASUNXXVI, as VIKI and Handsome Jack

Outstanding Delegate, JCC: Spain, MASUNXXVI, as Josue Cande Ibarra

Honorable Mention, SPECPOL, MASUNXXVI, as Saudi Arabia

Honorable Mention, SPECPOL, MASUNXXVI, as Brazil

The Scott N. Stone Diplomacy and Excellence Award, VIMUNCIII




Outstanding Delegate, Castro of 1959, BRUINMUN, as Roberto Agramonte, Minister of State

Outstanding Small Delegation, VAMUNXXVI 

Best Delegate, WGSS, VAMUNXXVI, as Commander of the Cuban Revolutionary Air Force

Honorable Mention, Coalition Provisional Authority of Iraq 2003, VAMUNXXVI, as Thomas Warrick

Outstanding Small School Delegation, TAEMUNIV

Outstanding Delegate, European Commission, TAEMUNIV, as Belgium

Outstanding Delegate, NFL Board of Directors, TAEMUNIV, as Jerry Jones

Honorable Mention, NFL Board of Directors, TAEMUNIV, as Clark Hunt

Honorable Mention, UNSC, TAEMUNIV, as France

Verbal Commendation, DISEC, TAEMUNIV, as Germany

Best Delegate, JCC: Avatar, the Last Airbender, GFMUNCXIII, as June

Outstanding Delegate, Sinaloa Cartel, GFMUNCXIII, as Vincente Carrillo Fuentes

Honorable Mention, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, GFMUNCXIII, as UAE

Honorable Mention, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, GFMUNCXIII, as David Stroud

Verbal Commendation, JCC: Avatar, the Last Airbender, GFMUNCXIII, as Sara

Outstanding Delegates, SPECPOL, PWMUNCI, as United Kingdom

Best Delegate, The Spanish American War, AmeriMUNCIV, as Joaquin Costa

Outstanding Delegate, IMF, AmeriMUNCIV, as Saudi Arabia

Best Delegate, Anonymous Committee, NAIMUNLIV, as Sheepless44

Best Large Delegation, MASUNXXVII

Crisis Award to Joey Moore, MASUNXXVII

Best Delegate, SPECPOL, MASUNXXVII, as United States

Best Delegate, Ad-Hoc, MASUNXXVII, as Jun Sang Hun-Jun

Best Delegate, UNISPACE +100, MASUNXXVII, as Algeria

Best Delegate, JCC: Brethren Court, MASUNXXVII, as Eduardo Villa Nueva

Outstanding Delegate, JCC: Brethren Court, MASUNXXVII, as Jack Sparrow

Honorable Mention, Pandemic Survivors Coalition, MASUNXXVII, as Shinzo Abe

Honorable Mention, SPECPOL, MASUNXXVII, as Spain

Outstanding Delegate, NYPD, VIMUNCIV, as Chief of Patrol, Terrence A. Monahan

Outstanding Delegate, JCC: War for Independence, VIMUNCIV, as British Gov. of Quebec

Honorable Mention, JCC: War for Independence, VIMUNCIV, as Lt. Col. Barry St. Leger

Honorable Mention, Warsaw Pact: 1990, VIMUNCIV, as East German Counterintelligence Officer




Best Small High School Delegation, McMUNCIII

Best Delegate, The Council, McMUNCIII, as President Donald Trump

Honorable Mention, ICJ, McMUNCIII, as President Peter Tomka

Honorable Mention, JCC: Vietnam War, McMUNCIII, as Khieu Samphan, Head of Khmer Rouge Armed Forces

Verbal Commendation, European Commission, McMUNCIII, as Spain

Outstanding Delegate, Ad-Hoc of the Director-General, VAMUNXXXVII, as John Jay

Honorable Mention, US Conference of Mayors, VAMUNXXXVII, as Rham Emanuel

Honorable Mention, King Alfred’s Court, VAMUNXXXVII, as Eardulf of Lindisfarne

Outstanding Delegate, Marvel Universe, GFMUNCXIII, as Loki

Outstanding Delegate, JCC: Queen’s Landing, GFMUNCXIII, as The Young Griff

Honorable Mention, Brian Gomez Committee on Diplomacy, GFMUNCXII, as Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov

Verbal Commendation, Marvel Universe, GFMUNCXIII, as Falcon

Best Small School Delegation Award, AmeriMUNCV

Outstanding Delegates, INTERPOL, AmeriMUNCV, as Turkey

Honorable Mention, Hollywood Blacklist: 1947, NAIMUN LV, as Albert Maltz

Best Delegate, UNICEF/UNODC, MASUNXXVIII, as India

Best Delegate, JCC: Rogue One, MASUNXXVIII, as Ziton Moj

Outstanding Delegate, JCC: Rogue One, MASUNXXVIII, as Hurst Romodi

Honorable Mention, DISEC, MASUNXXVIII, as United Kingdom




Best Small School Delegation, McMUNCIV

Honorable Mention, The Council, McMUNCIV, as … 

Honorable Mention, DISEC, TAEMUNVI, as Israel

Verbal Commendation, JCC: Yakuza 2032, TAEMUNVI, as … 

Outstanding Small Delegation, GFMUNCXIV

Best Delegate, Elder Scrolls, GFMUNCXIV, as Numidium

Outstanding Delegate, Elder Scrolls, GFMUNCXIV, as Peryite

Honorable Mention, UNODC, GFMUNCXIV, as Australia

Honorable Mention, UNESCO, GFMUNCXIV, as Italy

Honorable Mention, G20 Summit, GFMUNCXIV, as Russia

Honorable Mention, SOCHUM, AmeriMUNCVI, as Ukraine

Verbal Commendation, Cabinet of DPRK, AmeriMUNCVI, as Song Chun-Sop

Best Delegate, SPECPOL, MASUNXXIX, as Japan
Best Delegate, UNHCR, MASUNXXIX, as Germany

Outstanding Delegate, SPECPOL, MASUNXXIX, as Zimbabwe

Outstanding Delegate, SOCHUM, MASUNXXIX, as United States




Verbal Commendation, SOCHUM, VAMUNXXXVI, as Bolivia

Verbal Commendation, SPECPOL, VAMUNXXXVI, as Peru

Honorable Mention, Chernobyl: 1986, TAEMUNVII, as General Secretary of the Communist Party

Outstanding Delegation, DISEC, TAEMUNVII, as Italy

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